Saturday, March 27, 2010

Episode Six

Special Agent Dale Cooper: Boyscout.

Lucy got some bad news . . . I'm guessing either pregnant or dying . . .

Special Agent Cooper is reveling in his Bookhouse Boys role a little too much . . . he's all about justice, but he gets a little too vigilante-y for my taste . . . I bet my wife likes it though.

Leo is a tough guy . . . either that or Shelly is a terrible shot. Probably a little of both. Bobby's gonna be a hurtin' pup I predict.

Did Laura just say 'nakey'? If she did, she deserved to die . . .

Do they still have 'department stores' any more? I mean, there's big box stores, and malls . . . but department stores? I bet Horne's would be out of business even if the daughter didn't run it into the ground by chasing away old ladies with money.

Hey, I think I've seen the one black person in Twin Peaks! Neat! It's like bird watching, only there was no singing. And less mosquitoes.

Do you see the way Norma's husband wears that stained apron?! He's so COOL!! And did you hear the way he said "Stop by any time" but meant "fuck off"? SO COOL!!

One thing I really like about Special Agent Cooper is the way that he finds uncomplicated joy in the little things. He said he has no secrets, and he seems to follow his heart. He's an uncomplicated man, in certain ways, which makes it easier for him to enjoy his coffee, or his doughnut, or his Flesh World.

I hate Josie. She's playing Sheriff Truman. And that's not cool. He's a straight shooter.

Special Agent Dale Cooper: High Roller.

Aha! Josie is going to kill Catherine . . . with Horne's help. I knew she sucked!

They killed Waldo! And he was filled with strawberry syrup! At least it got on the doughnuts so it won't go to waste.

Big Ed is a smoooooooooth character. Because luck's got NUTHIN' to do with it!

Why does Jerry have a pine cone? WHY?! And what's with the ice cream? Because I like ice cream. And I bet Icelanders do too. It's in their NAME, for goodness sakes.

Big deal, Audrey can tie a knot in a cherry stem with her tongue. If that's all it takes to work with Blackie, I could be a hot call girl too . . .

Bobby is a dick. He needs a shirt that says 'Dick'. Oh, wait. . .

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