Friday, March 26, 2010

Episode Four

I thought I was done with this blog, because I just wanna watch the show. but I have ADD and I'm kinda easily distracted. So in a way this helps me focus.

It's pretty cool how the cops in Twin Peaks put so much stock in the ravings of distraught parents. Going so far as to do sketches of a mom's dream bogeymen.

Chet looks like the "I'll buy that for a dollar" guy from Robocop. Which is cool, because Bob is here too. Well, he was, before Agent Cooper kicked him out.

David Lynch makes a terrible Charlie. His angels are pretty terrible too.

Special Agent Dale Cooper: Strong sender.

One thing that also intrigues me is that the cops bust in on a guy (with one arm no less) based on one other guy's dream. I'm glad I don't live in Twin Peaks. I have that kinda face that people dream about.

Norma's husband seems like a cool guy. He also has a cool shirt and a cool key chain. I trust this guy, he totally seems legit. PLUS! He said he's going to change, and why wouldn't we believe him?

Special Agent Dale Cooper: llama whisperer.

Bobby's shirt says 'Dick' . . . it's pretty true.

I like Andy. He cries a lot and drops his guns, but he's a deep feeling man. I can get behind that. Hawk is pretty good too. Agent Cooper, while deep feeling, is a better shot than Andy. I can get behind that too.

I think James is gonna try to bag the Laura clone. He looks like he's been starving for a week and she's a ham. A hot brunette ham.

When did they ever make a stationary bike with a cordless phone attached? Mr. Horne sure found one. Also, why would you work out in front of a fireplace? Unless you wanna do the whole sauna thing . . . which I guess is a possibility. Or he's just a knuckle head.

Laura and her mom are psychic, which I'm sure is going to play a big part later on. Because if Laura was psychic, and saw what was coming, then she was playing a bigger part . . . maybe she gave up her life to lure Agent Cooper to Twin Peaks for some purpose . . .

I hate Josie. Her fake ass pidgin English with no actual accent . . . I think she's playing everyone. Especially because she's involved with Norma's husband somehow. Who, let's be frank, is a pretty cool guy. Did you see how he was sucking on a domino? SO COOL!!

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