Saturday, March 27, 2010

Episode Seven

I can understand the baseball cap when you are breaking and entering . . . but the scarf? Is fashion really s concern? Or would 'things that aren't easily caught on stuff' be more along the line of what you'd wanna wear?

I don't think I ever wanted to see Dr. Jacoby's face that close. Not again anyway . . . but I probably won't have to . . .

Special Agent Dale Cooper: Undercover guru.

Ok, I thought Dr. Jacoby was bad up close. Jacques Renault is a lot worse.

Sheriff Andy is a modicum of hard work and stick-to-it-ivness. He's been working on his marksmanship. And his emotional control.

You should never break a man's heart. He'll tie you up and make an arson around you. And you'll deserve it, for breaking his heart. Also, he'll kill your high school lover.

One more thing wrong with Josie . . . her ears are weird. Also, I think she had her husband killed. But Norma's husband did it, I bet. He's so COOL!! And he's filled with strawberry syrup! But so is Josie. And she sucks.

Andy is a new man . . . he's full of sauce! Too bad about that bald spot. It's pretty terrible. Apparently Lucy is full of something too . . . a BABBY!!

Did you see the way Norma's husband kissed her? SO COOL!!

Uh oh. Laura's dad is gonna go try to kill Jacques.

Why does there happen to just be a hatchet laying around at a saw mill? I mean . . . don't they have SAWS? Seems pretty convenient when you have to cut down a girl...

I called it. But smothering with a pillow isn't all that effective, and it certainly takes longer than that. But kudos to Mr. Palmer for manning up finally. Maybe now he'll stop crying and dancing.

Hey! Who shot Special Agent Cooper!

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